Massage is a form of communication, it is touch with intent.  Canine massage is a way to be in touch with your dog, to help improve the health of your dog and to monitor the overall condition of your dog.  Therapeutic Canine Massage works on the soft tissue and muscles of your dog, manipulating them to improve your dog's mobility and flexibility.  I work to release tightness and tension in painful muscles, relax muscle spasms, release trigger points, improve circulation, reduce pain and promote the natural healing process of the body. 

Who is Canine Massage Therapy for?

Massage is not only for working or performance dogs, any dog, of any age or breed, can suffer from musculoskeletal injuries which could come about by repetitive strain during daily exercise or over compensation issues from an undiagnosed injury or illness.   Massage can also help to relieve pain endured by dogs suffering from ongoing orthopaedic conditions such as arthritis or hip dysplasia.  It will help improve mobility and can be used as part of the rehabilitation process following surgery.
Have you noticed any of the following with your dog?
* lameness
* stiffness
* slowing down and getting old before their time
* reluctant to go on walks or play
* difficulty getting up and down stairs or on and off furniture
* resistance to being touched or groomed
* knocking poles on agility runs, or in the weave

Then your dog may benefit from massage treatment.

What are the benefits of Canine Massage Therapy?

Massage and all of its different techniques has a long list of benefits all promoting the general wellbeing, health and fitness of the dog.  It works at a cellular level, and affects the environment within and around the area being worked therefore not just treating the injured area, but your dog as a whole. 

Your dog will feel the benefit in a variety of ways
* improved mobility
* Improved working/agility performance
* better posture
* more fluid, effortless movement with reach and drive
* reduced stiffness
* able to go up/down stairs
* able to get in/out of car
* significantly reduced pain levels
* resolution or significant reduction of lameness
* a 'younger' rejuvenated dog
* an improved mood
* enjoying walks again
* coping better with Arthritis
* a feeling of relaxation

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